Buy CPLR on PancakeSwap with BNB.
Copy and Paste Contract Address: 0x0d3608ce95cd2b561298beed3f9fd3ddd3083163
How to enable and purchase CPLR with Trust Wallet and PancakeSwap

2% returns to operations wallet that controls the functionality of Cuplr App. 2% goes into a liquidity pool, boosting tangible value. 3% of every transaction is burned , making the token more rare and valuable each time it's moved. 5% gets divided and shared with all wallet holders in the CPLR network.

CPLR token was forged out of necessity. The Cuplr App itself created its utility before the cryptocurrency was even considered. CPLR is built on the Binance Smartchain as a Bep20 Token, equipped with a smart contract that completes 4 tasks every time a token is moved. 2% returns to operations wallet that controls the functionality of Cuplr App. 2% goes into a liquidity pool, boosting tangible value. 3% of every transaction is burned , making the token more rare and valuable each time it's moved. 5% gets divided and shared with all wallet holders in the CPLR network.

Pre-sale for CPLR Coin ended on: 12-5-2021
CPLR was listed on PancakeSwap December 10, 2021.
Cuplr App Launches on IOS and Android April 26, 2022
CPLR Wallets Integrated within Cuplr App v1.6 October 1, 2023
1 Billion CPLR Tokens Burned September 30, 2023